12 abril, 2011

Homework 12/04/11

The work is put like a comment
please look the comments.

17 marzo, 2011

My timeline

My timeline:


1998 the day that I was born
1999 I bought a cat
2002 My cat died because of an illness
2003 I moved to arroyomolinos.
2004 I started primary school.
2010 I strated secondary school.
2011 The days right now.

15 marzo, 2011

Homework 15/03/2011

example of a timeline

Homework 15/03/2011

This is a funny timeline of Michael Jackson

07 febrero, 2011


second part

In the trip we saw a lot of things and for example we saw our sorroundings:

03 febrero, 2011


First part:

  here is arroyomolinos here is madrid
 In madrid we have a mediterranean climate:
the mediterranean climate is found on the coasts of the mediterranean sea, california, central chile, South africa and southern and southwest Australia.
That means that is cold in winter and hot in summer.

this are the coordinates............................................

02 febrero, 2011

Cold Climate Zones

polar climate:                                           High Mountain climate:

Temperate Climate Zones

                                         Mediterranean climate:
oceanic climate     continental climate:

Hot Climate Zones

equatorial climate:

tropical climate:                                                                                                   desert climate:


Hot climates
Location: Between 0º and 30º latitude, north and south.
Average annual temperatures are above 20ºC.

Temperate climates
location: Between 30º and 60º latitude, north and south.
Average annual temperatures are between 0ºC and 20ºC.

cold climates
Location: Between 60º and 90º latitude north and south,
and in mountain areas over 2500 m.
Average annual temperatures are below 0ºC in
polar regions and are even lower at higher altitudes.